Who We Are?


A more Resilient and Sustainable Tonga that Recognizes the Rights of people-centered development through empowering participation, locally led initiatives, inclusive partnership, equality participation & inclusive prosperity for all (people of Tonga) and endeavor to build accountable and transparent institutions that creates self-reliance and opportunities for resource mobilization within CSO sectors and the communities.


We will build resilient through empowerment of communities to lead their own developmental inspirations, in all awareness, trainings and submissions we made to the government of Tonga.

We will ensure Sustainability in all our developmental investments ensuring they are locally led and that it empowers participation through institutional strengthening and capacity buildings.

That we will ensure that our works encapsulates Inclusive partnership for Equality & inclusive prosperity through equal participation to information and to financial support.

We will ensure that we Amplify voices our people and the “rights  people-centered development” is reflected through evidenced based decisions based on data collated through research.

We will ensure to build an Accountable and Transparent institution through institutional strengthening and capacity building.

We will Build the Capacity of our members through Resource Mobilization – self-reliance and organisational sustainability (business model) – social enterprise.


  1. Leadership
  2. Equity and equality
  3. Responsiveness
  4. Transparency
  5. Community Base, sensitivity, respect
  6. Resilience and safety
  7. Justice, fairness, and empowerment
  8. Interaction, collaboration, and consensus
  9. Goal oriented and perseverance

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