CSO & DPO Climate Readiness Project

Enhancing Access of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Disabled People Organisations (DPOs) to Climate Finance for Resilience of the Most Vulnerable Groups in Tonga.

Project Information

Proposal Title: Enhancing Access of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Disabled People Organizations (DPOs) to Climate Finance for Building Resilience of Most Vulnerable Groups in Tonga

Country: The Kingdom of Tonga

National designated authority: Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communications (MEIDECC)

Implementing Institution: Ministry of Finance (MoF)

The Key Outcomes of the Project are:

  • Relevant CSOs and DPOs have established adequate capacity, systems, and networks to support the planning, programming, and implementation of GCF-funded activities.
  • Tonga has developed or strengthened strategic frameworks to address policy gaps; improve sectoral expertise, and enhance adaptation financing;
  • An increase in the number of quality project concept notes developed and submitted to the GCF by CSOs and DPOs in Tonga;
  • Partnerships established between CSOs and DPOs with the government to foster development and disseminate methods, frameworks, and information systems for enhanced climate finance programming at sub-national, national, and regional levels.


project team

Keasi Pongi

Programme Coordinator

Frances Satini

Policy Analyst

Kalesita Puloka

Finance Manager

Lesieli Iketau

Assitant Finance Officer

Mana'ia Halafihi

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

Natia Lokotui

Project Development Officer

Tiana Matoto

Communications Officer

Rehma Misa

Communications Officer

Timote Lomu

IT Specialist